Saudi Gas Cylinder Factory
SGCF (Enagas) is a closed joint stock company established in 1979, specializing in the manufacturing of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders and tanks. With a total investment capital of SAR 92 million and a total paid-up capital of SAR 23 million, which played a significant role in raising the level of national industry and supported it with a team of highly trained professionals in the industry
Throughout these years, ENAGAS has made several improvements and changes that improved and revolutionized the factory in terms of quality and capacity by becoming compliant with ISO-9001:2015 to ensure the highest levels of safety for the consumer. The factory produces over 550,000 cylinders and 6,000 tanks a year.
In terms of local production, more than 17 million Cylinders and more than 230,000 Tanks have been supplied to the Saudi market since the establishment of the factory.
As a result of such development and expansion, which are based upon clear and well-planned strategies, ENAGAS has successfully provided the necessary number of tanks and cylinders to meet the local demand and extended that service to meet the needs of international markets, such as: (Yemen, Libya, UAE, Qatar, Kingdom of Bahrain, Jordan, Ghana, Sudan, Lebanon and Djibouti)

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